• 五年级英语/语言艺术


    欢迎来到投注网站家庭主页. We hope the information you find here assists you in supporting your child while s/he is learning important skills and concepts throughout the fifth grade year. The information provided below is meant to outline some of the specific learnings your fifth grader will be eng年龄d in this year. This guide offers highlights of fifth grade learning, rather than an exhaustive list.

    Balanced Literacy addresses K-5 Michigan English Langu年龄 Arts Standards through Reader’s Workshop. Reader’s Workshop includes five key literacy practices: (1) Interactive Read-Aloud, (2) Mini-Lesson, (3)导读, (4)文献研究, (5)自主阅读. 3-5资源是 引导读者和作者 方塔斯,平内尔和 文化连续体 作者:Fountas和Pinnell.

    The K-5 writing program is based on the Writer's Workshop model.  它包括整个小组的迷你课程, 是孩子们单独写作的时间了, 还有时间让作家们互相分享他们的作品. 投注网站使用 研究单位 由露西·卡尔金斯和安·阿伯创作 流派研究 因为它是核心写作资源. 要深入了解,请访问: 阿特拉斯:五年级ELA
  • 阅读


    • 通过提问加深对课文的理解
    • Refer to important information and details and use evidence to support opinions statements
    • Relate important information and concepts in one text and connect to information and concepts in other texts
    • 了解更多社会问题, 本地和全球, 通过角色表现出来, 情节, 和设置
    • 运用背景知识来理解设置, 问题, and characters and to extend understanding of historical fiction and science fiction


    • 设置
    • 在读完故事后回忆故事背景的重要细节
    • 矩形ognize and understand that texts may have 设置s that reflect a wide range of diverse places, 语言, and cultures and character’s 行为 may reflect those 设置s
    • Notice and underst和设置s that are distant in time and place from students’ own experiences
    • 评估环境的重要性
    • 情节     
    • Follow a complex 情节 with multiple events, episodes, or 问题
    • Notice and remember the important events of a text in sequence
    • Include the 问题 and its resolution in a summary of a text
    • Follow 情节s that have particular patterns – circular or parallel 情节s
    • 字符
    • Follow multiple characters, each with unique traits, in the same story
    • 认识到字符可以有多个维度.g.人可以做得很好,但会犯错误
    • 通过思考来推断人物的特征, 对话, 行为, 以及别人对他们的看法
    • Notice character change and infer reasons from events of the 情节.
    • Think critically about the authenticity  and believability of characters and their 行为, 对话, 和发展
    • 讯息及主题
    • Infer and understand the moral lesson or cultural teachin in literature
    • Notice and understand that themes can apply to their lives and the lives of others
    • 注意当一个小说作家在传达道德教训时 
    • Notice and understand themes reflecting important human challenges and social issues: e.g., self, self esteem, popularity, bullying, social awareness and responsibility, justice, war, racism

     图书及印刷品特色 (小说)

    • Notice, use and understand the purpose of some organiza-tional tools: e.G、标题、目录、章节标题
    • Notice and understand textual elements that have symbolic value, 增加审美享受, 或者增加意义
    • Evaluate what some text resources contribute to the meaning of a text


    • Follow and understand nonfiction texts with clearly defined overall structure, 类别,  and sub类别 and connect the structure to the table of contents
    • 请注意,非虚构作家把信息放在一起 与同一主题或子主题相关的
    • Gain new understandings from searching for and using information found in text body, 侧边栏, 和图形
    • Notice, use and understand the purpose of some organiza-tional tools: e.标题、副标题、词汇表、索引

    词汇表 (小说和非小说类)

    • 注意并从文本和图形中获取新的实义词
    • 在课文讨论中使用新词汇
    • Derive meaning of words from the context of a sentence, paragraph, or the whole text
    • 学习 many words that do not appear frequently in oral conversation.
    • 使用学术语言来谈论非小说类型
  • 写作

    • 个人叙述
      • Understand that narrative nonfiction genres include biography, autobiography, and memoir
      • 理解叙事的结构, 包括引子或开头, 人物介绍, 设置, 问题, 一系列事件, 问题的解决, 和结束
      • Tell details about the most important moments in a story while eliminating unimportant details
      • 把传记理解为一个人一生的真实记录
    • 小说
      • Understand that fiction genres include realistic fiction,  traditional literature and fantasy
      • Understand that a fiction text may involve one or more events in the life of a main character
      • 理解作家使用小说的各种元素.g.,背景,有问题和解决方案的情节,人物
      • 写一个简单的小说故事,现实或幻想都可以
      • 制定一个包含紧张气氛的情节
      • 展示而不是讲述角色的感受


    • Understand that a writer creates an expository text for readers to learn about a topic
    • 理解这一点来写一篇说明性的文章, 作者需要对一个主题非常了解
    • Write about a topic that is interesting and substantive and to which the writer is committed, keeping in mind the audience and their interests and likely background knowledge
    • Write an engaging lead and first section that orients the reader and provides an introduction to the topic


    • Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
    • 清楚地介绍一个话题或文章, 陈述观点, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose
    • Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details
    • 使用单词、短语和从句将观点和理由联系起来.g.因此,具体地说)
    • Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented
  • 与孩子的老师合作    

    If you have questions or concern reach out to your child’s teacher—you are an important part of your child’s education. Ask to see a sample of your child’s work or bring a sample with you. 问老师这样的问题:
    • Is my child at the level where he/she should be at this point of the school year?
    • 你认为是什么给我的孩子带来了最大的麻烦? 我怎样才能帮助我的孩子在这方面有所提高?
    • 我的孩子在哪些方面表现出色? 我该如何支持这一成功?


    1. 给孩子独立阅读的时间和空间. This time should be free from distractions such as television.
    2. 问问你的孩子他或她从阅读中学到了什么. Have him or her read the most interesting or useful sections aloud, 并讨论如何在现实生活中使用这些知识.
    3. Assist your child in using references such as 互联网 or a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words.
    4. Keep track of the time that your child spends reading every day. 注意他或她喜欢什么样的阅读材料(书), 杂志, 报纸上的文章, 互联网, 等.). Then look for additional materials that would encour年龄 your child to read more.